Gosh, but haven’t passions cooled on Starfield? For years and years, Bethesda’s space sim was the most hotly anticipated game in development by anyone at any studio, and when it came out you couldn’t round a corner without encountering some kind of hot take on it (some of them were even ours). But now it feels like everyone has pretty much come to accept Starfield for what it is: A mostly fine, unspectacular open-world thing. Elite: Dangerous with a dialogue box.
Not a bad foundation to build on, to be honest, which is exactly what Bethesda continues to do. Today, the studio dropped Starfield’s 1.10.30 update in Steam beta ahead of a likely imminent full release, adding new Photo Mode poses, letting you undo a digipicking move without losing a pick, and—I think most important of all—preventing Sam Coe from telling his 12-year-old daughter to try out her stand-up material on a corpse.
“Fixed an issue where Sam Coe could still tell Cora she could try out her joke on a dead character,” reads the patch note, “Tough crowd.”
A brutal burn for a father to inflict on his precocious daughter, and also probably funnier than whatever Cora’s joke…